Learn about the Open and Affirming Process at Ellington Congregational Church
Ellington Congregational Church has begun the process to decide whether we will become an Open and Affirming Church. Please visit this web page frequently to find updated information regarding the process, including events and informational materials the Open and Affirming Committee is working on. Open and Affirming is often referred to simply as OnA. 
If you wish to be part of the OnA committee, help with activities or just have questions for us, please contact us at affirming@eccucc.org.
Current News from the OnA Committee
September 25, 2024
Please complete the Open and Affirming survey so the committee can better
understand what questions and/or information the congregation needs to help with this
decision. You will soon receive an email with a link to the survey. Members and
friends are invited to complete the survey. If you do not receive the email or can’t find
it, please email affirming@eccucc.org and they will send you the link. There are also
printed copies of the survey in the OnA Information Kiosk in the Social Room. There is
a drop-off envelope at the kiosk. Please complete either the online or printed survey,
but not both.