T.E.L.O.S (Teens Experience Living Out the Story) is a church-based service-oriented Christian youth group for high school students. We meet, work, plan, pray and play together for nine full and mostly-fun months in preparation for a week-long mission trip at the end of the school year. T.E.L.O.S. meets on most Sunday evenings (6:30-8pm).
T.E.L.O.S. is a unique opportunity for high school students to explore their faith in action, to visit other parts of the country and to help people improve their lives. TELOS has been to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, New Jersey after Super Storm Sandy, urban Philadelphia & Baltimore, Blue Knob (PA) Nashville (TN), various places in Appalachia, and Maine.
Past and present T.E.L.O.S. members (“TELOSians”) will tell you how rewarding and eye-opening previous trips have been. They will also tell you that T.E.L.O.S. is a lot of work. We raise all of the money needed to fund the trip ourselves. The reward -- a great experience with good friends doing good work to make a difference.
Please CLICK HERE to register your youth or contact Lee Carman with questions at christianed@eccucc.org