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Chili Cook-off & Brownie Bake-off
February 2 - 11:30 in the Social Room


To enter, please contact Contact Lee Carman. You can find her after church or you can email her at 

  • Registration fee:  $10 per entry
  • Tastings: $5 per person
  • Water will be provided
  • Chips and soft drinks will be available for sale

Attend and cast your vote for People’s Choice by dropping dollar bills in the collection can for your favorite entries!

Entering a Chili?
*Bring a slow cooker of your entry along with a serving utensil. Portion cups and spoons provided.
*Plug in to power strip at set-up tables.
*Bring any toppings (optional) that you’d like to provide for tasters and judges. Ex: cheese, sour cream, crackers)
*Be present to serve to tasters and clean-up your offerings when done.

Entering Brownies?
*Bring a tray with cut-up portions of your entry.