2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Our main event of the year, the Farmhouse Fair, is right around the corner from summer! Please continue to watch the weekly bulletins, emails, and monthly caller for the many ways in which you can help with the Fair. Without your contributions the event could not be successful, so thank you in advance for your help.

On Rally Sunday we will introduce you to the chairpersons of each of the Fair rooms (or stations), so you can get to know who may best be able to appreciate your talents or time! 

Join us Sunday October 6, 2024, after church in the Social Room, to utilize your talents to create items to be sold at the Farmhouse Fair! There will be an instructed painting workshopto make Christmas Ornaments on small painted glass. This workshop is open to any teens and older.

Our coat collection for Hawkwing continues. Although you can bring items year-round, there is an upcoming shipment leaving the church by October 15, so if you have items, please try to get them to the church before the deadline. Hawkwing donations should be placed in the blue bin under the coat rack next to the elevator off of the Social Room.

Prayer Shawl Ministry monthly meetings continue to be posted on the web site. Our Sacred Stitches Ministry is currently on hiatus.


Jennifer Aborn Traynor, President

Cathy Leonard, Vice President